Woodland Reflections – Opening Reception Invitation
Woodland Reflections
Lisa Banks
26th April – 20th May
Wednesday to Saturday 11 am – 4 pm
Free Entry
Opening reception
Friday 28th April from 6 pm – 8 pm
All are welcome to meet the artist and celebrate the launch of the show!
A solo exhibition by artist Lisa Banks of new paintings which explore a visual narrative through dreamlike symbolism and surreal woodland environments. The scenes cultivate an appearance of beauty and re-imagine who we are and what our eco-cultural identity means as we face change.
Lisa’s paintings explore a subjective world in a visual narrative form where the environment is fundamental. The painted visual narratives re-imagine who we are and how we are now inextricably linked to one another and the environment. Eco-cultural identity is an old concept, the deer, lapwing, and pheasant appear in ancient mythology and she portray’s them here in a contemporary setting with central importance. The animals sometimes appear as skulls in surreal reflections. They seem like visions, a stark reminder in the narrative of their power and importance both past and present. The humans appear as sometimes masked, hybridised or surreal beings, half animal, and half human. These suggests a narrative of fragmented or changing identity. Other figures are represented as listening, aware and thoughtful suggesting the cultivation something thriving and beautiful.
Learn more about Lisa’s work here on her website: www.gardencityarttherapy.co.uk