Share Photography Online Exhibition | Page 2
Elaine Medcalf
I am an amateur photographer drawn towards texture, story, colour, and architecture – both natural and man-made. Most of my images are created simply with just the camera, but occasionally I add effects using the computer to create something a little different. When sold my images are printed professionally onto textured artist paper, with a matt finish.
Gareth Williams
John Lawrence
I have been a keen hobby photographer for the last 18 years, taking mostly landscape photography.
These photos are from a trip to Vietnam in 2019 where we spent 10 days visiting various parts of the country, including a three day river cruise.
Nick Carter
I am a keen amateur photographer mainly interested in wildlife and landscapes. You may have seen some of my work in previous exhibitions. The images I’ve chosen here are all from 2020. What with lockdowns and travel restrictions, the opportunity and indeed the enthusiasm to go out with my camera has been somewhat limited!
The collection begins in February with Tenerife and glorious sunshine and just a murmur that life was soon to become very different.
Rachael Flynn
– Diagnostic Radiographer – Artist – Photographer – Observer –
Practicing my profession throughout this pandemic has been a practice in endurance, where my usual art-shaped bolt holes were blocked by fatigue. Clinical and Health Protection work took over. As Covid continued on, melding clinical and artistic practice became my way forward.
Observations take no energy…
I am fascinated by how two surgeons handle the same implements, in the same operation, differently. Surgical imagery. Precision and dexterity. Muscle memory, tension, and hyperflexion. The contradiction of gentility and force.
Grainy distant photographs, digitally painted.